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4.19.24 Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble Spring Concert, Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College, Berea, KY.  Free. 7:30 P.M.


4.5.24. A.J. leads Mariachi Berea, and Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble at the Inaugural Concert for the tenth President of Berea College.  Union Church. 8:00 P.M.


3.23.24 Liza goes on tour with the Berea College Folk Roots Ensemble.  Concert to the West Side Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville, TN.


3.20.24 A.J. plays for the Berea Country Dancers at their Convo performance.  Free. Seabury Center, 8:00 P.m.


3. 15.24 Ballad Night at the Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, led by Liza and the Folk-Roots Ensemble. Free. 205 N. Main St., Berea, KY. 859-985-3472.


1.27.24 Liza & A.J. in concert.  Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, 100 Chestnut St. Berea, KY. 859-985-3472.  Free. 8:00 P.M.


1.26.24 Songwriters Night at the Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, 205 N. Main St., Berea, KY.  859-985-3472.  Free. 7:30 P.M.




12.16.23 FIRST SHOW BACK!!! Liza and A.J. Christmas show at the Berea Arts Council, 444 Chestnut St., Berea, KY.   859-985-9317. 7:00 P.M. $10.00 at door. 


11.16.23. A.J. does his thang and plays for the Country Dancers at "Berea Dances." Seabury Center, Berea College 8 P.M. 


10.12-10.15.22 Liza does her thang and leads the 50th annual Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music.  Various venues.  Concerts, workshops, jams, dance, lecture, children's musical activities. 




8.30.23 Liza at Kentucky Proud Event for University Press of Kentucky.


4.21.23 Liza with the Folk-Roots Ensemble at Songwriters Night, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College, Berea, KY, 7:30 P.M. Free.


4.1.23 Liza with the Folk-Roots Ensemble, April Fools Concert, Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College, Berea, KY, 8:00 P.M.  Free.


3.22.23 Liza at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum, Bristol, TN.  Opening reception of "I've Endured:  Women in Old-Time Music," includes Katherine Jackson French


3.17-4.19.23. Liza with the Folk-Roots Ensemble, tour to Floyd, VA.  Concert Saturday afternoon,12-2.


2.18.23 A.J. withthe Berea Country Dancers at  "Rep Your City, " Phelps-Stokes Chapel, Berea College, Berea, KY


2.16.23 Walk Sign Chestnut at Rebel Rebel, 440 Chestnut St., Berea, KY, 7:30 P.M.


2.3.23 Ballad Night with the Folk-Roots Ensemble at Songwriters Night, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College, Berea, KY, 7:30 P.M. Free.


1.27-28 Illegal Contraband, Swing Shift - Lexington and Berea, KY,White%20and%20caller%20Joe%20Wilkie.   


1.21,23 Louisville Country Dancers, Highalnds Community Campus, 1228 E. Breckinridge St.  8 P.M.






12.2 and 12.3.22 Liza leads the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble in the annual Berea College Christmas concert. Union Church, Berea, KY. 7:30 P.M.  Pre-order tickets only. Contacty 859-985-3466.


11.18.22 Liza leads the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble Homecoming Concert.  Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, 205 North Main St., Berea College, Berea, KY.  8:00 concert, 6:00 gathering for alumni.


11.11.22 Liza and A.J. at the Appalachia in the Bluegrass series.  John Jacob Niles Center for American Music, University of Kentucky, 160 Patterson Drive, Lexington KY. 12:00 P.M.  


11.6.22  Liza and A.J. at First Christian Church, 206 Chestnut St.,  Berea, KY.  10:00 A.M.


11.3.22 Liza and A.J. at the Berea Songwriters in the Round at the Berea Arts Council. With Jessie Wilhite, Jennifer Rose and Chris Denny.  444 Chestnut St., Berea, KY.   7:00.


10.27.22 Liza sits in on Deborah Thompson's concert at the Berea Arts Council 444 Chestnut St., Berea, KY.   7:00


10.13-10.16.22 Liza leads the 49th annual Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music.  Various venues.  Concerts, workshops, jams, dance, lecture, children's musical activities.


10.1.22 Liza and A.J. join forces with Tom Cunningham and take the bandstand as Illegal Contraband at the Lexington Contra Dance, The Arts Place, 522 Patterson St., Lexington, KY, 8:00 P.M.


9.17.22 Liza performs for the release concert of "Songs of Slavery and Emancipation" at Berea College. Phelps-Stokes Chapel,  Berea, KY 3:00 P.M.


8.27.22 Private dance, Berea, KY


8.18.22 Liza and A.J. at the Berea Celtic Fest.  Come out and hear some great Celtic music!  Whole buncha folks will be playing. Honeysuckle Restaurant at Churchill Weavers. 7:00 P.M.


7.10-7.16.22 Liza and A.J at Common Ground on the Hill.  We teach "Rise Up Singing," "Early New Orleans Jazz Band" together; A.J. teaches piano improvisation and Liza teaches "Civil War Brass Band Music."  Come to this fine folk arts school and join folks of all different backgrounds on the common ground of the traditional arts.  McDaniel College, Westminster, MD.


6.18.22-6.25.22 Liza and A.J. lead "Rise Up Singing" at Star Island, Isle of Shoals, NH. Come sing with us and spend a relaxing weak at this fabled Northern Atlantic retreat!  For more info:


4.22.22 Ballad Night at the Loyal Jones Appalachian Center.  John. B. Stephenson Hall, First Floor ,205 North Main Street,Berea, Kentucky.  7:30 P.M. For info contact 859-985-3472.


4.1.22. Liza leads the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble in their annual spring concert.  Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall.  Vaccinations and masks required.  For info contact 859-985-3472.


3.25.-27.22 Liza goes on tour with the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble to parts of the Southeastern U.S.  More info to come. More info:  859-985-3472.


3.5 Liza lectures on Katherine Jackson French at the Lexington Gathering.   Carnegie Center, 251 West Second Street
Lexington, KY 40507.  12:00 noon. For info: CANCELLED


1.28.22. Songwriters Night at Berea College.  Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, John. B. Stephenson Hall, First Floor, 205 North Main Street,
Berea, Kentucky.  Vaccinations and masks required. 7:30 P.M. For info contact . 


1.22.22. Liza & A.J. in concert, Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College. Free.  Vaccinations and masks required. Contact  859-985-3472 for more information.  8:00 P.M. 


1.15.22 Liza lectures on Kathrine Jackson French at the Cecilian Club, Richmond, KY.  Trinity Church PCA, 315 Spangler Drive, Richmond, KY.  10:15 A.M. For info: 




 12.18.21 Liza and A.J. in their Christmas show at First United Methodist Church, Oneonta, NY, 2:00 P.M.


12.15, 12.17.21 Liza and A.J. in their Christmas show at Willow Valley Communities, Lancaster, PA, 7:30 P.M.


12.10-12.11.21 Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble at the annual Berea College Christmas celebration, recorded live, streamed 7:30 P.M. For info contact  


10.14–10.17.21. 48th annual Celebration of Traditional Music at Berea College, directed by Liza.  Mix of virtual and live events.  Vaccinations and masksrequired for audience members for live events. Performers TBA. Info at 


10.13.21 Mountain Day at Berea College.  Liza and A.J. lead and accompany student ensembles all day at the Pinnacles!  LIVE for campus community only.


9.17.21 Liza & A.J. in concert at the John Jacob Niles Center for American Music, 160 Paterson Drive, Lexington, KY.  12 P.M.–1 P.M.  VIRTUAL, University of Kentucky CAMPUS COMMUNITY ONLY


9.16.21 Liza lectures LIVE at the Scott County Historical Society., Georgetown, KY.  We expect this to be live.  7 P.M.  More info  at 


9.10.21. Liza gives LIVE lecture/recital at Berea College in celebration of the completion of the Katherine Jackson French trilogy!  Details tba.  LIVE!!!  More info to come. CLOSED, OPEN ONLY TO CAMPUS COMMUNITY


8.19.21. CELTIC FESTIVAL, BEREA! Liza & A.J. join other musicians in a showcase performance.  Time and place.  CANCELLED


7.5-7.16.21 Liza & A.J. teach at the wonderful folk arts school Common Ground on the Hill.   Virtual.  Attend from your living room!   Virtual this year.  


6.5.21 Liza delivers lecture/performance on Dr. French for the Berea Dulcimer Gathering.  Live.


5.23.21 Liza & A.J. at Union Church, Berea, for Pentecost service.  10:30 A.M.  FIRST LIVE SERVICE SINCE THE PANDEMIC.  Please wear a mask. 200 Prospect St., Berea, KY. 10:30 A.M.


5.7.21 Liza in lecture at Kentucky Historical Society.  12-1 P.M. 


3.30.21 Liza in a lecture at the Filson Historical Society. 6:00 P.M. 6 P.M.


3.29.21 Liza in lecture for the Midlands Network of Popular Culture,  England.  2:00 P.M. 


3.12.21. Ballad Night at the Loyal Jones Appalachian Center.  7:30 P.M.  Hosted by the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble (Liza directs) 


3.11.21 to 3.14.21

Liza and A.J. perform ballads of Katherine Jackson French at the Appalachian Studies Association Conference. Hosted by the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble (Liza directs) Date and time TBD



2.19.21 Songwriters Night at Berea College!  7:30 P.M.  Open to the public.  .  


2.16.21 Liza guest lectures at McDaniel College.  Private.







1.20.20 Liza and the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble perform at Martin Luther King Day at Berea College, the first integrated college in the South, 11:00 A.M., First Christian Church, Berea. For more info including the day's schedule see





Liza and the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble host Songwriters’ Night. Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea, KY. 7:30 P.M.





Liza and A.J play the Lexington Contra Dance with Illegal Contraband. Artworks at the Carver School, 522 Patterson St, Lexington, KY, 8:00 P.M.





Liza and A.J. play the annual Valentine’s dance. Spotlight Theater, 8:00 P.M.





Rep Your City - A.J. plays for Berea College dance groups. Seabury Center, Berea College, 8:00 P.M.





Liza and A.J. are joined by fiddler Tom Cunningham and banjoist Deb Thompson in a private reception for the Sawyer exhibit at the Kentucky Historical Society. Kentucky Historical Society.  5:00-7:30 P.M.





Liza lectures on Katherine Jackson French at the P.E.O. Women’s Club, Richmond, KY. 6:30-8:30





Arpi plays for Mountain Folk Festival





Liza tours with the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble tp Hindman, KY and Black Mountain, NC. CANCELLED




Liza and A.J., with fiddler Tom Cunningham, play for the Lexington Vintage Dancers. 128 North Broadway, Berea Kentucky. 8:00 P.M.  CANCELLED




Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble in concert, Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea, KY. 8:00 P.M. CANCELLED




A.J. plays with different dance ensembles at Kinetic Expressions, Seabury Center, Berea College. 8:00 P.M.






Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble in Ballad Night. Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center. 7:30 P.M. CANCELLED




6.11.20, 6.12.20

Liza & A.J. play Willow Valley Resort.  FACEBOOK LIVE





Liza & A.J. teach and play at Star Arts Retreat, Star Star Island, Isles of Shoals, NH. CANCELLED




7.11.13 Common Ground on the Hill, Festival of American Music and Dance, Carroll County Fairgrounds, Westminster, MD. 10:00 A.M. – 8:30 P.M. CANCELLED





Liza & A.J. teach and perform at the wonderful Common Ground on the Hill Folk Arts School, Westminster, MD.  ONLINE!  THIS IS ON!  See for classes at this wonderful school/camp.





Liza & A.J. play for the longest-running folk radio show in the country, "Bound for Glory" with host Phil Shapiro.  Anabel Taylpr Hall, Cornell University, 8:00-11:00 P.M. CANCELLED




Liza & A.J. play virtual TradMad through the wonders of The Folk Notebook.  See for full lineup.





The Kentucky launch of Liza's book Katherine Jackson French: Kentucky's Forgotten Ballad Collector. Lunch at the Library at 11:45-1:00 (lunch provided); ballad concert at 8:00, Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall.  CANCELLED





Liza, with A.J., perform the ballads of Katherine Jackson French for the John Jacob Niles Center for Traditional Music, Appalachia in the Bluegrass series.   Noon.





Liza gives a convocation performance for Centenary College, Louisiana.  7:00 P.M.





Liza & A.J. in a Christmas concert for Willow Valley Communities.  In house, virtual.




"A Cozy Christmas," Liza & A.J. in a Christmas concert for the First United Methodist Church of Oneonta,  2:00 P.M.







Old Christmas.  We get to take part in the Ritchie Nieces’ family tradition of “breaking up Christmas!”  We'll honored to be guests, along with other Berea and environs musicians.  Concert benefits a local animal rescue league.  Ya'll come and bring your voices!    Berea Arena Theater, 7:30 P.M.




Liza and A.J. in concert at Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College, Berea, KY.  8:00 P.M.  Admission free.




Liza and the Folk-Roots Ensemble lead Songwriting Night, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College.  7:30 P.M.




Valentine’s Day Dance.  Alumni Hall, Berea College. 8:00 P.M.




Liza and A.J. on the Berea College Festival of African-American Spirituals.  time tbd.  Union Church, Berea, KY.




A.J. goes on tour with the Berea Country Dancers to St. Louis.




Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble on their spring tour, this time to Maryland to open for a couple of Grammy winners.  Friday March 1st, the group opens for Tom Paxton at the Church of the Redeemer, 5603 N. Charles Street. Baltimore, MD.  Saturday, the group opens for Guy Davis at the Carroll County Arts Center, Westminster, MD.   More info:  Both concerts start at 7:30 P.M.




Liza performs as a Spoken Word category winner for the Women of Appalachia Project 10th Anniversary Gala at the Baker Theater, University of Ohio, Athens, Ohio. 6-9 P.M.




Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble in their spring concert!  Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College, Berea, KY.  8 P.M.




Liza and the Folk-Roots Ensemble lead Ballad Night.  Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College. 7:30 P.M.




Liza performs as a Spoken Word category winner for the Women of Appalachia Project.  Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College. 1-3 P.M.




A.J.'s setting of "Epitaph,” based on a Rudyard Kipling poem, is premiered by the Berea College Concert Choir.  Gray Auditorium, Presser Hall, Berea College, Berea, KY.  3:00 P.M.





Liza & A.J. at the EKU Crabbe Library Reading Room performing a program of ballads, North and South.  5:30.





Liza is the keynote speaker at the Centennial Celebration of the Women’s Department Club of Shreveport.  She will be speaking on the club’s co-founder, Katherine Jackson French.  Time tbd.




6. 24.19

Liza and A.J. play Willow Valley Communities, Lakes.  7:30 P.M.




6. 25.19

Illegal Contraband plays Willow Valley Communities’ first contradance!  The Pavillion, time tba.




6. 27.19

Liza and A.J. play Willow Valley Communities, Manor North.  7:30 P.M.




7.7.19- 7.12.19

Liza and A.J play Traditions week 3 at Common Ground on the Hill – our 18th season!  Come!  Music, visual art, and dance from all over the world in one big loving community.





Liza and A.J. play the Festival of American Music and Dance at the Carroll County Fairgrounds, wrapping up Common Ground on the Hill.




Liza and A.J. at their first TradMad Festival!  Sponsored by the New York Folk Music Society, the Country Dance and Song Society and many others!  Pinewoods Camp, Plymouth, MA




Liza and A.J. at the First United Methodist Church of Oneonta, 2:00 P.M., 66 Chestnut St., Oneonta, NY.  Snow date 12/14 2 P.M. (607)432-4102.





Liza and A.J. at Willow Valley Communities, Lancaster, PA, Christmas show.  Manor North.  7:30.





Liza and A.J. at Willow Valley Communities, Lancaster, PA, Christmas show.  Lakes.   7:30.





Liza and A.J. at Second Baptist Church, 62 Main St., Worcester, NY.  Christmas Eve service.  7:30.  607- 397-8353.








Breaking Up Christmas, hosted by the Ritchie Nieces   We are honored to be invited to be part of the Ritchie Family's celebration of the Appalachian custom, of "breaking up Christmas."  We'll be guests, along with other Berea and environs musicians.  Concert benefits a local animal resuce league.  Ya'll come and bring your voices!    Berea Arena Theater/ 1835 Big Hill Rd. /  Berea, KY.  7:30 P.M.  Reservations:  Pamela Corley at





A.J. and Liza play at TGIF, in a program about the Berea Festival Dancers' trip to China.   Woods-Penniman Hall, Berea College.  12 noon.





A.J. and the Berea Country Dancers kick up their heels at the Carter G. Woodson Center, Berea College, 8 P.M.  859-985-3431.





Festival of African-American Spirituals/3 P.M./ Union Church,/Berea, KY.  Liza & A.J. will perform, along with the Berea College Folk Ensemble led by Liza, the Berea College Black Music Ensemble, and many others. / Info:  895-985-3466.




A.J. plays with the Berea College Jazz Band, and Prof D. makes a guest appearance with the Wind Ensemble.  Gray Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. 859-985-3466.



A.J. goes on tour as accompanist for the venerable and internationally known Berea College Country Dancers.  To points in Ohio.  859-985-3431.




A.J. accompanies the Berea College Country Dancers in their Convocation performance.  Liza makes a guest appearance.   Seabury Center, Berea College, 7:30 P.M.  Free and open to the public




Liza goes on tour with the nationally known Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble. They'll be playing at the legendary John C. Campbell School (founded by Olive Dame Campbell) in Brasstown, NC Friday at 7:30 , and at Highland Farms in Asheville, NC at 3. . 859-985-3472.




A.J. plays for the 85-year-old Mountain Folk Festival, Seabury Gym, Berea College.  Contact for details




Liza directs the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble in their spring blowout/8 P.M./Gray Auditorium/Presser Hall/Berea College/Berea, KY.  859-985-3472.   See for more details




Liza and the Folk-Roots Ensemble hosts Ballad Night .  Loyal Jones Appalachian Center/Berea College/Berea, KY.  7:30.  Free.





Liza & A.J., with guests, play the Berea Danish-American Dance/9 P.M./Berea Folk Center/Jefferson St./Berea, KY/ : 859-986-7584.  See

Email: info @ berea





Liza & A.J. concert.  First Christian Church/ 206 Chestnut St. / Berea, KY.  3:00 P.M. , (859) 986-4553  THIS CONCERT HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND IS BEING RESCHEDULED.





Liza & A.J at PINEWOODS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND FESTIVAL/ Hudson Valley Resort and Spa/Kerhonkson, NY.  Sponsored by the New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club.  Come sing, dance, play in the beautiful mountains of Upstate New York.




Liza & A.J at Lakes, Willow Valley Communities/Lancaster, PA.  7:30 P.M.




Liza & A.J at Bound For Glory, WBVR, Anabel Taylor Hall/ Cornell University/ Ithaca, NY. 8:00-11:00 P.M.





Liza performs "That Esau Bed" in an evening of spoken word and musical performance in a juried program entitled "Women Speak" on September 21, 6-9 PM at Northern Kentucky University in Fort Thomas, KY.  Sponsorsed by the Women of Appalachia Project.





Liza at First Christian Church, Berea, 8:40 and 10:30.





A.J. goes on tour with the internationally known Berea Country Dancers.





Mountain Day, when the college closes and everyone goes to the mountain.  Liza will be leading the Folk-Roots Ensemble; A.J. will be playing for the Country Dancers.  Allllll day, at the Pinnacles, Berea, KY





Liza leads the Berea College Folk-Roots Ensemble at the Celebration of Traditional Music, Phelps-Stokes Chapel,  Berea, KY, 7 P.M.

Yes, indeed, that's right. 





Liza and A.J. at First Christian Church, Berea.  Services at 8:40 and 10:30.




11.30 & 12.1.18

Liza leads the Folk-Roots Ensemble at the annual Berea College Christmas celebration.  Union Church, Berea, KY 7:30 P.M.




Roots Liza plays for the Women of Appalachia Project as a Spoken Word winner at the University of Northern Kentucky, Fort Thomas, KY. 6-9 P.M.





Liza and A.J. at the Willow Valley Retirement Communities, Manor North.  Christmas show.  7:30 P.M.







Split bill with Robinson and Rohe.  Jean Rohe is best known to the Berea Community as the composer of "Arise, Arise," featured at the college's opening convocation in 2014.  Come for a night of double duos!/Loyal Jones Appalachian Center/Berea College/Berea, KY. 859-985-3140.  Free.  Sponsored by the Loyal Jones Appalchian Center and the Music Department. 7:30 P.M.  




Liza performs Appalachian ballads in celebration of Richard Underwood's new book:  "Murder Ballads:  True Crimes from Southern Murder Ballads."  Eastern Kentucky University/ Grand Reading Room/Crabbe Library/Richmond, KY/5:00 & 7:00/





A.J. tours with the Berea College Country dancers.




10.27, 10.28.17

Berea College Celebration of Traditional Music.  Liza will be presenting on "Lasting Impressions from English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, 1917."  Liza & A.J. will be hosting the tv show "Head of the Holler" and interviewing Alice Gerrard.  The Friday evening show, featuring the Folk-Roots Ensemble (directed by Liza) will also feature Alice Gerrard.  /Loyal Jones Appalachian Center/Berea College/Berea, KY. 859-985-3140.



12.01.17, 12.02.17

A Celebration of Christmas at Berea College,/ Union Church/Berea, KY. 859-985-3666.  With groups from Berea College.  7:30 P.M.




12.03.17 CANCELLED

Christmas Concert CANCELLED.  We'll be there in the spring.





As Illegal Contraband, dance at the Carlbergs, over the Fudge Shop in Old Towne/128 North Broadway/Berea, KY./  8:00 P,M.





House Concert/Berea, KY /3 P.M/ Call 607-434-1164.





House Concert/Berea, KY /8 P.M/ Call 607-434-1164.





Concert | Lakes/ Willow Valley Communities  |   Lancaster, PA.  7:30 P.M.

2017 Liza DiSavino and A.J. Bodnar

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